Maryam Monakali
“The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed” – Steve Biko
You forced yourself on me
You stripped me bare.

Bare down to me soul
Now no more rare.
An African vase broken
Scattered gold dust
And no words were spoken
But that was just the crust.
My insides soft and tender
Full of wisdom great and strong
My father is a mender
He can fix all that is wrong
You thought you had me
But I stand here with power
In my mind I’m free
I don’t live in your hour
You may have beaten me
But that was my flesh
You though you have beaten me
But I withstood the test
Has changed my song
It is now gone
God gave me a beautiful Mind
My freedom lies within me.
The truth I seek to find
Will forever set me free.
My mind they cannot clutch
Ow they can’t even touch.
You thought you had me
But no I am free.
Being enlightened about who you are, where you come from, and the power you have to set yourself free from the oppression of western ideologies of beauty and self, all lies in the mind. Western oppressors thought that they were more intelligent than those being oppressed as they were successful in taking our land, women, men and possessions. But they THOUGHT they had us. They were never successful, because if they were as intelligent as they claimed they were, they would have realized that you can never oppress the mind of a strong people.